The true is, that Glass Gem Corn is so beautiful plant that is even hard to believe in that.
Behind this amazing plant is amazing story, the story of one man who turns his passion into the most beautiful corn in the world.
Carl Barnes was a half-cheeroke farmer from Oklahoma. He spent almost all of his live growing corns. The Glass Gem Corn story began in his adult age. Long time ago he started selecting the most beautiful kernels from his cobs, the most glossy and the most colourful. He used that kernels for growing next corn's generations. No one knows exactly how many years he spent on this process but one thing is certain, it tooks him long time to get corn which impresses with it's look thousands of people in this world.

Before he died, Mr Barnes passed some of his colorful seeds to his fellow farmer Greg Schoen and asked him to safeguard the Glass Gem Corn tradition.
In 2010, Greg Schoen decided he had to find a place to store and protect this unique corn variety. He found Bill McDorman owner of Seeds Trust, family seed company in Arizona.
Carl Barnes passed the secret on before he died
Mr McDorman never seen the actual corn cob, but curious about mysterious seeds he planted a few of them in his garden.
The result was surprising.
'I was blown away', Mr McDorman said. 'No one had ever seen corn like this before'.
Bill McDorman is now head of Native Seeds/SEARCH, a non-profit organisation which seeks to preserve the agricultural heritage of the Native Americans.
These stunning Glass Gem Corn seeds are available for purchase. Organic, no GMO.
I grown this amazing plant in Oxfordshire (United Kingdom). You will be amazed when you will unwrap your own cobs.
Buy 20 Glass Gem Corn seeds - £5. I offer discount when buying larger quantities of seeds. Free UK postage. Please ask for international shipping.